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Advice UV vacuum cleaner

Zoef Robot UV Vacuum Cleaner .


Despite the fact that we spend about a third of our lives in bed, we often spend too little time cleaning or changing it. Beds are a breeding ground for house dust mite bacteria and other micro-organisms that can leave harmful allergens.

If you are allergic to dust mites or you just want to thoroughly clean your mattresses, carpet, fabric furniture, couch cushions or even the cat and dog bed, then a UV vacuum cleaner is the solution. With a UV vacuum cleaner you can clean the entire house in a completely chemical-free way. The UV Vacuum Cleaner protects you against dust mites, bacteria, and other microorganisms.


Nelly, the UV vacuum cleaner from Zoef Robot.


With Nelly you can sleep safely again. Our innovative UV Vacuum Cleaner Nelly not only removes dust but also produces UV-C rays that have been proven to kill more than 90% of house dust mites, bacteria and other microorganisms. Once dead, they can easily be sucked up in combination with the vibrating plates. The built-in HEPA filter ensures that 99.9% of all these allergens are also collected. The combination of a strong suction (9 Kpa), two vibrating plates (10000 vibrations per minute) and the built-in sterilizing UV-C lamp makes this the way to rid your mattresses, pillows, fabric furniture, carpet, etc. of all these dirtiness. The UV-Lamp is controlled by a sensor, so that it is automatically switched on when it comes into contact with a surface.



What is a dust mite?

The house dust mite is a small, arachnid animal that lives in our house dust. They are white creatures that, due to their small size, are barely visible. This mite feeds mainly on human and animal dander, but pollen, fibers and hair are also popular sources of food. House dust mites live mainly in a moist, dark, warm environment such as mattresses, pillows, comforters, stuffed animals, etc.

Dust mite allergy.

Some people (around 5 to 10 percent) develop an allergy to dust mites. In most cases it is not the mite itself that causes the allergic reaction, but an allergen contained in the mite excrement. More than 40 percent of this group also develop asthma complaints.

Beds are a breeding ground for house dust mites and other allergy causing bacteria and microorganisms. The allergic reactions are often more severe at night than during the day.
These reactions are expressed among other things in:

  • Sneeze
  • Stuffy nose
  • Watering and itchy eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Bad sleeping
  • Eczema